Thanks for your fantastic work and let me congratulate you with a qoutation from a letter once sent by "Che" Guevara in answer to a woman with the same family name, who inquired whether they wre relatives.
In 1964, in reply to a letter from a certain Señora María Rosario Guevara from Casablanca asking of his origins, Che wrote:
"Comrade! To put it bluntly, I don't know what part of Spain my ancestors come from. It was so long ago that they took leave of our 'ancestral home' dressed in their 'birthday suits'. And I don't go around in the same manner simply because it's not especially comfortable. I don't think that we're close relatives, but if you are capable of trembling with indignation every time an injustice is committed in this world, then we are comrades—and that is more important."